Ways of Organizing

Ways of Organizing

Ways of Organizing The traits that describe our sense of time, need for change, and how we classify things in our world. They represent how we tend to frame and manage the patterns and movement of life together. On one side of the spectrum, people generally frame things closely connected to everyday life. On the other side of the spectrum,…


Change How people value innovation. That may include ideas, teachings, or technologies that affect their daily life and processes. Story: Electrifying Change John: I'm thinking about getting an electric car. They're environmentally friendly and much cheaper to run. What do you think? Tom: I don't know, I prefer gasoline cars. They're easier to find fuel for, and I'm used to…


Classification Patterns by which we holistically structure and arrange our world. That includes our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realities. Story: What is a Dolphin? A biologist, David, was on a remote archipelago trying to classify the different fish species in the area. As he talked with the locals, Isaac, one of the islanders, began describing a creature he had…


Time The created sequential dimension in which we experience life in the eternity of God. Story: Deal or No-deal? Tom: We need to get this deal done quickly because I must be at the Airport at 5 pm. Mai: Why are you in such a hurry? We have all day. Tom: Well, I have other meetings scheduled and must stick…