The Orality Quotient (OQ) is how we measure a people group’s reliance on oral communication. It ranges from very LOR (close to 0) to very HOR (approximating 100).
There is no such thing as a dichotomy between oral and non-oral people. It is a preference spectrum ranging from very LOR to very HOR people. Most people fit somewhere in between the two poles. The OQ is a way of seeing where people fit on this continuum. It’s like a balancing act on a seesaw.
How can I measure the orality reliance of a people group?
Take the survey and determine where your people group is on the continuum. The result will be close to 0 for LOR people and nearer to 100 the more people are HOR.
I got an OQ for my people group. So what?
If you select a people group, you will see an overall OQ and the OQ for each of the 5 clusters of traits of orality. The score will indicate the orality reliance of the people group and show recommendations for each of the 5 clusters. These recommendations are helpful information for instructional design, developing an evangelism strategy, or community development projects.