

Symbols It includes words, signs, colors, gestures, pictures, metaphors, rituals, etc., and embodies an idea, object, or relationship. Some cultures predominantly use shared marks (scarring, ring) and signs (flag, color). In contrast, other cultures rely more on words to bring meaning and mutual understanding within a people group. Story: Just Say It! Jack: We need to be the arrow, not…


Arts The innate creative capacity to express our inner speech through all our senses. Typically people think of arts by referring to mastery (artists). For our purposes, it is a spectrum that ranges from being artistic (a child drawing a stick-figure picture) to the master artist or artisan (a painter painting a masterpiece). Story: The Art Critic Learning The art…


Rituals It encompasses several other traits of orality. They act out and convey collective meaning to successive life events (weddings, graduations). Story: Why Would You Do This to Yourself? Michael: This tradition sounds crazy to me. Suryo: It might seem strange to you, but it's a part of our culture. Michael: But what's the point of enduring that kind of…