Ways of Articulating

Ways of Articulating

Ways of Articulating The orality traits linked to language, narrative, and words that help people articulate the things around us so that we gain a shared understanding. People tend to think more generally/descriptively on one side of the lingual spectrum. On the other side of the spectrum, people tend to value more precise/technical expressions. The Orality Quotient shows the aggregated…
Ways of Expressing

Ways of Expressing

Ways of Expressing How we display our inner speech through arts, rituals, and symbols. They generate the power to penetrate the heart and transform the mind by engaging all senses. On one end of the spectrum, people generally tend to immerse themselves in the medium of their own cultural expressions. On the other side of the spectrum, people observe the…
Ways of Relating

Ways of Relating

Ways of Relating The orality traits of identity, respect, and environment describe our connectedness within our world and community. People generally function more holistically on one side of the spectrum – they are a part of the whole. On the other side of the spectrum, people tend to see the parts more than the whole through clearly delineated categories and…
Ways of Organizing

Ways of Organizing

Ways of Organizing The traits that describe our sense of time, need for change, and how we classify things in our world. They represent how we tend to frame and manage the patterns and movement of life together. On one side of the spectrum, people generally frame things closely connected to everyday life. On the other side of the spectrum,…
Ways of Knowing

Ways of Knowing

Ways of Knowing These traits require a more complex set of factors. They represent how we capture and process a message, how people really learn, and their preferred ways of remembering a message. On one side of the spectrum, people gravitate to familiar patterns, repetition, and non-linear logic. On the other side, people tend to need a line of reasoning…